COMMITTEE                                           CHAIR PERSON

ACTIVITIES                                                     unfilled

AWARDS                                                         Jerry Hensley

EDUCATION/CONSERVATION                       unfilled

HISTORY COMMITTEE                                  Charlie Nichols

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE                          Tom and Barb Faulkner, Janet Hensley

NEWSLETTER       Jen Greene

PHOTO COMMITTEE                                     Dave Hale

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES                     Leslie Nichols

PROGRAM                                                      Rob Koehler and Maria Novak

RAFFLE                                                           Gene and Sylvia Venechanos

REGALIA                                                         Charlie Nichols

RESERVATIONS             Jen Green

SAFETY                                                          Vance Tanner and Dave Stevens

SOCIAL MEDIA - Facebook                            Daniel Vance

TECHNICAL OPERATIONS                            Carl Foster

      and AUDIO/VISUAL

WEBSITE                          Rick Snodgrass




This committee is responsible for coordinating all Club activities, including but not limited to Saturday night potlucks, pool parties, refresher classes, Annual Meeting and/or any other Social event.

Responsible for the Activities Board at the General Meetings.

Anyone wishing to have or post an activity on the Activities Board, must be an Active Member in good standing.

Responsible for the planning of the Annual Meeting on the 3rd Sat in Jan of each year.  This may be delegated to another person(s) no later than May of each year. 

Responsible for the Anniversary Dive Trip to San Carlos in the fall of each year.  This may be delegated to another person(s) no later than May of each year.

Responsible for getting events/events to the newsletter chair before the due date each month.

Responsible for sending update information each month to the newsletter, facebook & website, as needed.


Jerry Hensley


This committee is responsible for getting nominations for the Purple Snorkel Awards and the Dolphin of the Year Award throughout the year.

Responsible for presenting an award to the Dolphin of the Year at the Annual Meeting.  This person(s) is(are) to be nominated from the Membership for their contribution to the Club for exceptional service over and above.  This person must be an Active Member of the DDDC. The Award should be in the form of a plaque, trophy, with name, year and description.

Responsible for presenting numerous Purple Snorkel Awards to members at the Annual Meeting.




This committee is responsible for Educational programs within the 1) the Club, 2) within the Community, and 3) within the schools.  This includes educational programs to the members ie photo seminars


Charlie Nichols


This committee gathers event, articles, pictures to archive. 

Responsible for putting together small articles for the newsletter that deal with the history of the Club.


Tom and Barb Faulkner

Janet Hensley


This committee is responsible for all phases of membership of the Club.  This includes having a guest book, guest name tags, applications, member name tags at the General Meeting, they are responsible for greeting guests.

Responsible for distributing membership applications, presenting new members to the Board, compiling and delivering Membership Packets.

Keeping a current list of members and their information.  And producing a roster in print once a year.

Responsible for keeping and updating all information in manual.

For $50/yr, they get:

1.        2 of their staff that can be named as club members on behalf of the business.

2.       Ability to provide a business-card sized graphic that will be placed on the website.

3.       Ability to provide a business-card sized graphic that will be placed in the newsletter.

4.       Ability to promote trips and business elements (i.e., Training opportunity) at club meetings. Both by posting flyers for trips, etc. and speaking at the club meeting. (Speaking is usually limited to about 1-2 minutes.)

5.       Ability to post reasonable solicitation on the DD FaceBook page a few times per month. (Should not be aggressive or salacious but posting about a trip, training event, sale, etc. is fine.)

6.       Ability to engage club members on our FaceBook page. (Engagement not directly soliciting the sponsor’s business but just socially engaging with club members. If a club member is asking where they can buy x or who has a trip going to y, responding to that with info about a trip would be social engagement, not considered solicitation, as the club member asked.)

7.       Ability to offer a discount for club members.

8.      Opportunity to produce a presentation for a club meeting provided it is educational in nature and not specifically about promoting the specific business. (ie. Diving in the Sea of Cortez vs pitching trips they run to the Sea of Cortez.) The scheduling of this would be subject to the Program committee chair and may not be allowed if it does not fit with the overall programming they are putting together..


Does not include:

1.  List of club members and/or contact information for club members.


Jen Green


This Committee is responsible for gathering, editing and publishing a monthly newsletter to be distributed at least three days prior to the general meeting.   This newsletter should include the upcoming meeting date, location and program, a Prez Sez, any current events, upcoming programs, a list of officers and board members, any advertising and future trips sponsored by members.


Dave Hale


This committee is responsible for the Annual Photo Contest.

The Video judging will be done at the November meeting & the digital images will be done at the December meeting.

Keep records from year to year of winners, categories, & prizes.


Rob Koehler


This committee is responsible for getting programs from Feb thru October.  There is no meeting in Jan due to the Annual Meeting.  The program in Nov & December is the responsibility of the Photo Committee.

Any Presenter at a General Meeting will receive a complimentary dinner (no alcohol) at our meeting venue, or a $25 gift card at a restaurant of the Club’s choice, as well as a complimentary membership for the remainder of the calendar year and the following year. If the presenter is already a Club member, then just dinner at the venue or gift card.


Maria Novak


Leslie Nichols


This committee is responsible for the material to be put in each Committee’s Policy and Procedure Manual.  

Keep the information current.

Collect all manual in Jan, update and return to committee Chair.

Keep copies of all forms, flyers etc, in the manuals.


Gene and Sylvia Venechanos


This Committee submits to the Treasurer a committee budget to consist of projected income and expenses to the Treasurer no later than 5 days prior to the Jan/Feb Board meeting.

Responsible for raffle items off to be raffled off at the end of each meeting.   These items should be of interest to our membership.  The idea would be to break even for the Club. 

A “quarterly” raffle prize could be done.  This item would be of larger value and sold for a higher price that a monthly raffle.  One the cost has been covered with the price of tickets, the item would be raffled. 


Charlie Nichols


This Committee is responsible for raising money for the Club and their activities.  This could be done through T-Shirts, Calendars, and other fund raising events.


Jen Green


This Committee is responsible for collecting reservations for the monthly meetings.


Vance Tanner


This committee is responsible for getting a speaker to do a one minute “Safety” topic at each meeting.

Responsible for maintaining the Oxygen bottle.


Dave Stevens


Daniel Vance


This committee is responsible for sending out information about Club meetings and events to newspapers, internet sources, social media & monitoring the webpage.

Responsible for updating the webpage.

Responsible for keeping and updating all information in the manual.

Administrator for Google Drive.  Keeps passwords for all 3 accounts: Activities, Board, and TechData. Gives authority to members to “edit” Google Drive accounts.

All political and hateful comments on any Social Media will not be allowed. If you see any of these comments, please notify the Social Media Chairman so he/she can delete them.  The Chairman may choose to block or delete them from such sites.



Carl Foster


The Technical Operations Appointee (TOA) is responsible for inventorying and safekeeping all of the club's audio, video, and computer equipment. 

The TOA is also responsible for supporting any club activity that requires the use of the club's audio, video, and computer equipment. 

If the TOA is not able to fulfill the duties personally, then the TOA may arrange for other club members to store equipment and/or support the activities. 

Need to provide the Equipment Committee with a list of items for their record.


Rick Snodgrass


The Committee is responsible for maintaining the website, both organization and content.